individual photo order
(Construction site, architecture, celebrations, wedding )
125,00 €/ 1h.
People shooting
1,5 hours + 10 pictures
( Businesspictures, DatingApp pictures, Baby-/ children-/ Couple-/ Familyshooting)
200,00 €
Image editing per picture
(from 15 photos, each additional picture 5 €)
6,00 €
Image editing flat rate
(40 photos)
200,00 €
Travel flate rate
Inside Munich
15,00 €
Travel flate rate
Outside Munich up to 50 km
50,00 €
Pickmotion Produkte
Magnets 4,90 €
Bookmark 1,70 €
Postcards 1,70 €
Greetings cards 3,90 €
Photo on canvas (60x 80 cm)
plus shipping costs
99,00 €
Photo on Alu Dibond
(60 x 90 cm)
plus shipping costs
149,00 €
Photo on Acrylglas (60 x 90 cm)
plus shipping costs
179,00 €
other large on requeste
book 17,90 €

No VAT will be charged according to §19 Abs. 1 UStG.